
PhD in Art History (2004), academic title of Associate Professor (2011). Professor of art history at Ural Federal University (since 2002), Head of Decorative Arts Department of the Museum of fine Arts of Ekaterinburg (2012-2019), Senior Researcher & Curator of Carved hard stone’s collection in the State Museum of stone-cutting and jewelry art history, Ekaterinburg (2000-2012). Member of ICOM.

Research, presented in the conferences and resumed in the articles, books and exhibition’s catalogues (more than 150), focuses on the history of Russian stone cutting in the 19th century, the exchange of knowledge between Russian artists and his European colleagues, diffusion of the Russian stone object via the international exhibitions and diplomatic gifts, creation in Europe of new taste and new fashion for application of stones in the interior after the influence of Russian court and aristocracy in this period.

The research was supported by the grants and fellowships of:

– The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies – Villa I Tatti (Florence, 2017),

– Ministere de la Culture et de communication de la France & Institut National d’Histoire de l’art (Paris, 2009, 2017),

– British Council & Victoria and Albert museum (London, 2015),

– President of Russian Federation’s grant for yang scientist – PhD (2010-2011).

The paper was presented in the conference and workshop in Russia and Europe (Paris, Berlin, Florence, London, Rome, online international conference).

At the INHA I was an invited researcher of the program “Profession culture” in 2009 and 2017. Two research projects were realized: “The Demidoff’s malachite: exchanges of taste and knowledge between Russia and France (1800-1900)” (2017) and “The Urals tradition of stone-cutting via a world’s exhibition from 1851 to 1958” (2009).

Budrina L. (2020). Malachite diplomacy. 208 pages. (in Russian)

Ludmila Budrina, (2020) « The Role of the Documents and Published Sources in Assessment and Attribution: The Case Study of the Malachite History » in Questions of Expertise in Culture, Arts and Design, KnE Social Sciences, pages 21–26.

Budrina L.A. (2019) « Nicolay Demidov et Francesco Sibilio » in Demidovs en Europe. Catalogue de l’exposition, Ekaterinburg, Archives d’état de la région de Sverdlovsk,  pages. 5-6.

Ludmila Budrina. (2018) « Un précieux cadeau de la Russie. La carte de France de la collection du château de Compiègne » ,in  Revue des musées de France. Revue du Louvre, 1-2018, pages 62-71.

Budrina L. (2018) « Il centrotavola in bronzo e malachite per i Demidoff«  in E. Colle, M. Becattini (a cura di), Conviti e Banchetti. L’arte di imbandire le mense. Firenze, Lorenzo dei Medici Press, pages. 113 -123.

Ludmila Budrina. (2016) « Lapidaires parisiens aux services de Nicolas Demidoff : la collection des objets en bronze doré et malachite avec des mosaïques en reliefs des pierres dures réalisés par Thomire (d’après les documents inédits et les collections européennes)« , in « Les progrès de l’industrie perfectionnée ». Luxe, arts décoratifs et innovations de la Révolution française au Premier Empire, actes du colloque, Paris, 13-14 juin 2014, Natacha Coquery, Jörg Ebeling, Anne Perrin Khelissa, Philippe Sénéchal (dir.), Toulouse, pages 136-145.

Ludmila Budrina. (2016) « Carl Fabergé et la production des sculptures polychromes en Russie« , in Splendor marmoris. I colori del marmo, tra Roma e l’Europa, da Paolo III a Napoleone III. Roma, De Luca editori d’arte, pages 447-458.

Ludmila Budrina (2016) « Five Centuries of Three-Dimensional Mosaic« , in Alexander Shmotiev, Ludmila Budrina, Tatiana Muntian, Serguey Shokarev. Heroes. History in Ural Stone Curving = Helde. Die Geschichte in Meisterwerken Uraler Steinkünstler = Geroy. Istoria v šedevrach uralskich kamnerezov. [Vaduz] Jekaterinburg, Liechtensteinisches Landesmuseum & OOM ZOOM Photographers, pages 12-43.

Ludmila Budrina (2013) « La produzione in malachite dei Demidov: sulle trace degli oggetti alla Prima Esposizione Universale », in I Demidov fra Russia e Italia: gusto e prestigio di una grande famiglia in Europa dal XVIII al XX secolo, Firenze, L. Olschki, pages 151-176.

For more publications, see: Ludmila Budrina | Ural Federal University –