
I had the pleasure of participating in a project directed by Professor Jean-Marie Guillouët dedicated to the itinerant artists in the Middle Ages and the early Renaissance: Transferts et circulations Artistiques dans l’Europe de l’époque gothique (XIIe-XVIe siècles). I have been invited researcher at the INHA in 2010, and my research was about some artists, mostly from the Netherlands, whose activity was partially, or completely, carried out in a city or country other than theirs. The dossiers about their life, career, production and critical reception that I prepared have been added to the database.

– “Si rimoverà adunque la nostra fanciulla in tutto dall’uso della musica”, musica e strumenti musicali nell’educazione femminile dei Paesi Bassi nel XVI secolo, in “ARS & RENOVATIO” 8, 2020, pp. 6-25. 2

– Reflections of luxury in genre paintings, in “El lujo en las artes”, proceedings of the international symposium “El lujo en las artes”, Zaragoza, 9-11 May 2019, published in “ARS & RENOVATIO” 7, 2019

– « Following Bosch: The Impact of Hieronymus Bosch’s Diableries and Their Reproduction in the 16th Century », in: Making Copies in European Art 1400-1600: Shifting Tastes, Modes of Transmission, and Changing Contexts, ed. M. Bellavitis, Brill, 2018, pp. 186- 211

– « The Dukes of Este and the garden as scenery and representation of the magnificence of a dynasty », in Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes, vol. 38, 2017, pp. 1-15

– « Tra ritratto e devozione, immagini della Maddalena nella prima metà del Cinquecento », in Critica d’Arte, LXXV, N. 55-56, 2013 [2015], pp. 19-36

– “Telle depente forestiere”. Quadri nordici nel Veneto: le fonti e la tecnica, CLEUP, Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università di Padova, Padua, 2010