Fees and Registration

Access to the INHA library is free

What are the different subscription options?

  • Ideal for occasional visitors, this monthly card is available to anyone aged 18 or older who needs to consult the collections sporadically. After the first issuance, it cannot be renewed for 12 months.

  • Anyone in the following categories can obtain an annual card:

    • Students from Master’s 1 level in art history, archaeology, and related disciplines, or an equivalent diploma for art schools;
    • Doctoral students (all disciplines);
    • Graduates in art history and related disciplines (Master’s and PhD) in the process of professional integration (for one year and five years after graduation, respectively);
    • Teachers and researchers in all disciplines;
    • Scientific and technical staff of museums, libraries, and cultural institutions;
    • Members of the Société des amis de la Bibliothèque d’art et d’archéologie (SABAA);
    • Art and art market professionals;
    • Members of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA);
    • Holders of a nominative ICOM card.
  • In certain cases, it is possible to borrow documents for home use. This is available to:

    • University art history, archaeology, and architecture faculty members;
    • Curators of heritage and libraries;
    • SABAA members. You can borrow six documents for a renewable period of 15 days, up to one month. Open-access documents and some other categories are not available for borrowing. Registration for this privilege must be done on-site.

Good to know

The library card issued to you is also valid at the National Library of France (BnF). It is issued at the registration desks of the BnF, at either the Richelieu or François-Mitterrand sites. However, each library applies its own access conditions (accreditation criteria, fees, etc.).

How to Register at the INHA Library?

Registration implies compliance with the library regulations (PDF, 1.4 MB). Initial registration can be done on-site or prepared remotely. Remote pre-registrations are validated upon presentation of the appropriate documents when collecting the library card at the joint registration desks of the INHA and BnF libraries. Borrowing privileges are granted to eligible users at this time. Online Pre-registration

The issuance of the annual card requires the presentation of documents proving the user’s personal situation. Download the list of required documents

On-site registrations are available:

  • Monday from 2 PM to 6 PM;
  • Tuesday to Saturday from 9 AM to 6 PM;
  • Saturday from 10 AM to 6 PM.

How to Renew Your Registration?

On-site At the joint registration desks of the INHA and BnF libraries.

Online Online renewal is available for three years for annual cards issued to readers in the following categories: art history students, doctoral students, faculty researchers, and heritage institution staff. It is not available for monthly cards or for readers with borrowing privileges. 

Issuance of the annual card is conditional upon the presentation of documents proving the user’s personal situation:

  • a valid student ID with a photograph or a school certificate if the student ID does not mention the discipline;
  • a diploma with the date of graduation;
  • professional cards (teachers and researchers, tour guides, personnel of voluntary sales operators);
  • proof of affiliation or membership to various associations or managers of social security for artists and authors (Maison des Artistes, AGESSA).

On-site registration takes place:

  • Monday from 2 PM to 6 PM;
  • Tuesday to Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM;
  • Saturday from 10 AM to 6 PM.