
Katherine Baker received her Ph.D. in art history at the University of Virginia in 2013. A chercheur invité at the INHA through the Kress Institutional Fellowship until 2012 and a chercheure accueilli from 2012-2013, she used her time at the institute to complete a dissertation on collaborative making in Paris around 1500 and begin a new project on the estate inventory of Chicart Bailly, a Parisian tabletier from the early 16th century. Select discoveries from this document were recently highlighted in the exhibition and accompanying volume The Ivory Mirror: The Art of Morality in Renaissance Europe, with a more comprehensive examination of the document – including an annotated translation – to appear in her book.

“Chicart Bailly and the Specter of Death: Memento Mori in a Sixteenth-Century Estate Inventory » In The Ivory Mirror:

“La Chambre aux dentz d’yvoire’: an Introduction to the Inventory of Chicart Bailly” in Gothic Ivory Sculpture