
Collaborateur scientifique




Daniele Benati is graduated at the University of Bologna in 1979, discussing his thesis with Carlo Volpe. After having taught at the Universities of Udine (1991-1999) and Chieti (1999-2007), since 2007 he has been Full Professor at the University of Bologna. He is currently coordinator of the Doctorate in Media Performative Visual Arts and president of the School of Specialization in historical and artistic heritage of the University of Bologna. Since 1988 he has been collaborating with the ‘Roberto Longhi’ Foundation in Florence and since 1994 he has been called to join the Scientific Committee of the same Foundation. Since 2012 he has been a member of the Scientific Committee of the ‘Federico Zeri’ Foundation of the University of Bologna. He deals with painting from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century mainly in the Emilia-Romagna area, with particular attention to the fourteenth century in Bologna and Rimini, the Late Gothic and Renaissance in Bologna, the late Manner and the reform of the Carracci. He is the author of numerous publications and has curated numerous exhibitions. In January 2014 he was Chercheur invited to the INHA, where he contributed cataloging the paintings kept in French museums on the Agorha database.


Il Trecento riscoperto. Gli affreschi della chiesa di Sant’Agostino a Rimini (Milano 2019)

Jacobello del Fiore (Matthiesen, London 2007)

Annibale Carracci e il vero (Electa, Milano 2007)

Alessandro Tiarini. L’opera pittorica completa e i disegni (Skira, Milano 2001)

La cappella Bellincini nel Duomo di Modena (Panini, Modena 1992)

Jacopo Avanzi nel rinnovamento della pittura dell’Italia padana del secondo Trecento (Grafis, Bologna 1992)

Francesco Bianchi Ferrari e la pittura a Modena fra ‘4 e ‘500 (Artioli ed., Modena 1990)

La bottega degli Erri e la pittura del Rinascimento a Modena (Artioli ed., Modena 1988)

Catalogues d’exposition

The late Gothic painting in Ferrara (1988); The Trecento Riminese (Rimini 1995); Guido Cagnacci (Rimini 1992, Forlì 2008); Annibale Carracci (Washington 1999; Bologna-Roma 2006-2007); Cristoforo Munari (Reggio Emilia 1999); Alessandro Tiarini (Reggio Emilia 2002); Mastelletta (Bologna 2007); Sisto Badalocchi (Bologna 2008); Melozzo da Forlì (Forlì 2011); Nicolò di Giacomo (San Giovanni in Persiceto 2011); Vitale da Bologna (Bologna 2011); Il Guercino (Piacenza 2017, Taverna 2017, Cento 2020); L’Eterno e il Tempo tra Michelangelo e Caravaggio (Forlì 2018).