Informations sur l’INHA, ses actualités, les domaines et programmes de recherche, l’offre de services et les publications de l’INHA.
25 March
As a place for dissemination and cooperation at the national, European, and international levels, and as a center for resources and the production of innovative research, the INHA is the French reference institution for art history.
Scientific research is at the heart of the mission of the French National Institute for Art History (INHA).
With its unique architecture, the library of the French National Institute for Art History is located in the heart of Paris, in the 2nd arrondissement, on the Richelieu site. It extends into the Labrouste Room and the adjacent “stacks.” This historic room, created by architect Henri Labrouste in 1860, has been fully renovated to restore the elegance, clarity, and studious comfort envisioned by its architect.
The French National Institute for Art History (INHA) is a public institution with a focus on scientific, cultural, and professional activities (EPSCP) dedicated to promoting scientific research in art history. It is jointly overseen by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of Culture. Conceived by Jacques Thuillier in 1973 and formalized by André Chastel in 1983, the INHA was officially established by decree on July 12, 2001.
INHA Publications aim to highlight research in art history by making it accessible to a broad readership. Many of the publications stem from research programs conducted at the Institute and from the collections housed in the library.
As part of its scientific policy and support for research, the French National Institute for Art History offers a number of invitations, supports, grants, or contracts.
Workshops, seminars, exhibitions, discover the art history calendar !
25 March
27 March
27 March
27 March