Nature of the contracts

For the 2023-2024 year, two one-year postdoctoral contracts are offered. The monthly salary is €2,183 net (before tax). In addition, there is an annual budget of €20,000 to be shared for international mission expenses and, if necessary, for organizing scientific events at their initiative.

Who can apply ?

These contracts are intended for young doctors, between 0 and 3 years after their doctoral thesis. They must have defended their thesis in a European university.

Application file

The application file includes:

  • An application form, with a project presentation to be filled out online;
  • A resume;
  • A cover letter;
  • If applicable, a letter of acceptance from one or more host institutions. Please send your application to [email address] before the [deadline]. 


Here are the results of the previous editions. 


The 2023 jury selected the application of: Sara Martinetti for her project Michel Claura and Company; Alternative and Polygraphic Practices on the Parisian and International Conceptual Art Scene of the 1970s. 


This contract, lasting one year, is renewable for another year.