Nature of the fellowship

The fellowship amount is €3,000.

Who can apply?

These fellowships are intended for young researchers in art history:

  • Without nationality restrictions
  • Under 45 years old
  • Who wish to travel to Florence to conduct research in the local institutions.

Applicants must be:

  • Holders of a doctorate
  • Or curators of heritage. Application File 

The application file must include:

  • A cover letter addressed to the general director of the INHA;
  • A resume;
  • A detailed work program (maximum 4 pages), including a general presentation of the research, the specific topic that requires the candidate’s presence in Florence, the research institutions where the documentation and archives to be consulted are located, and an explanation on the valorization of this research through a conference, a seminar, the establishment of a partnership with research institutions on-site or elsewhere;
  • A recommendation letter from a scientific authority supporting the application. It can be submitted in French or English.


Here are the results of the previous editions. 

The 2023 jury awarded the fellowship to Paul Froment for his project Collections of Plaquettes and the Art Market in Florence.

And listed Marco Brunetti, for his project Renaissance Reception of the Domus Aurea’s Wall Paintings, as a reserve candidate.