Understanding Interlibrary Loan

  • Requests from individuals are not considered. Any request from a reader must be submitted through a library or documentation center.

  • Books from the INHA library are loaned for one month to French institutions and for two months to foreign institutions. In both cases, an extension of 15 days is possible once if requested by the institution before the return date.

    All books loaned from the INHA library under ILL are the responsibility of the borrowing library:

    • During communication to the reader, home loans are prohibited; the book must remain within the borrowing library premises and be supervised during consultation.
    • For the return of the document, the borrowing institution must protect the book with bubble wrap and a rigid box.

    In case of non-compliance, the INHA library will charge the borrowing institution for any lost or damaged book and reserves the right to cease lending documents to the non-compliant institution.

  • Sending books:

    • University libraries without a reciprocity agreement and municipal libraries: 8 euros per book
    • Other French libraries and foreign libraries: 12 euros per book or IFLA Vouchers.

    Sending photocopies:

      • University libraries without a reciprocity agreement and municipal libraries: 5 euros for the first tranche (1 to 20 pages); 3 euros for each additional tranche of 20 pages
      • Other French libraries and foreign libraries: 8 euros for the first tranche (1 to 20 pages); 4 euros for each additional tranche of 20 pages.
  • Delay

    The borrowing library must respect the loan deadlines, as other readers may be waiting for the document. The INHA library sends two reminder emails in case of delay.

    Loss of documents

    If there is no response from the institution after these reminders, the INHA library:

    • Invoices the book through its administrative and financial unit at the supplier’s gross price
    • Suspends all ILL services with the institution until it responds.
  • Before departure on ILL, the INHA library creates a condition report for its document. Upon return, if damage is confirmed by the borrowing institution, the INHA library:

    • Invoices the book through its administrative and financial unit at the supplier’s gross price
    • Suspends all ILL services with the institution until it responds.
  • If you are a library in the Supeb network : you can make the request via WinIBW.

    If you are a French or international library not in this network:  you can make the request through the online form.

Request for loan of a document

Choose a type of document to order
Loan of a book(Required)
Year of publication
Place of publication
Classification number
Contact details of the requesting institution(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Billing address (if different)