Informations sur l’INHA, ses actualités, les domaines et programmes de recherche, l’offre de services et les publications de l’INHA.
National and International Cooperation
Updated on 24 July 2024
The INHA library collaborates with other libraries both nationally and internationally.
National Cooperation
As a library housing exceptional collections for research in art history, heritage, and archaeology, the INHA is associated with the scientific interest group (GIS) CollEx-Persée. The library provides national access to its collections regardless of the researchers’ affiliated institutions.
The INHA library participates in shared conservation initiatives for periodicals, in partnership with the “Shared Conservation Plan for Ancient Sciences and Archaeology” led by the Sorbonne library. The institute is considering launching a similar project for art history and archaeology.
Due to its location within the Richelieu Quadrilateral, the INHA library develops specific collaborations with the National Library of France, among others, to promote the complementarity of collections. Its digital library is harvested by Gallica.
International Cooperation
The library establishes relationships with documentary institutions in various countries and develops worldwide document exchanges. The library also takes part to many international initiatives in its fields:
- The INHA library is a member of the “Art Libraries” section of the IFLA and regularly sends representatives to its annual congress to keep up with professional developments and promote the exchange of practices. Conferences on French collections or service offerings are regularly presented at satellite meetings.
- The library collaborates with the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) and the libraries of the Art Discovery Group Catalogue, and maintains close ties with the Getty Research Institute (Los Angeles).
The library also regularly hosts delegations of foreign professionals for visits, internships, or other exchanges. She library participates in the international collective catalog ArtDiscovery and projects like PHAROS. Its digital library is accessible through the Getty Research Portal.